Client Feedback, Questions and Complaints

Feedback, questions, complaints

Trauma ASSIST encourages clients to provide any constructive feedback on the service provided to ensure that clients receive best possible service.

The organisation respects that all clients have the right to pursue any grievance in relation to services provided without fear of retribution or any service being delivered being discontinued.

Clients have the right to complain when they are not satisfied with a service or have issues within the programs being offered.

All complaints (whether formal or informal) are undertaken in a fair and positive manner with confidentiality maintained throughout the process.

Serious complaints are acknowledged in writing (by email) within 3 business days upon receipt, and whenever possible the matter resolved, within 21 calendar days.


It is important all our clients have the opportunity to provide feed – positive or negative. We welcome your thoughts on how your experience with us has been and if you can see where we can make it better for you and others please let us know.


Would you like us to answer a specific question about how the Service operates, what to expect or how you engage with us? Asking questions is a great way for us to either think about things differently or to engage with you. You can ask a question by using the contact form below.


We take complaints seriously. You are welcome to contact us directly at either office on the numbers at the foot of this page – ask to speak with the Business Services Coordinator. You will be given the opportunity to provide your complaint in writing or to make a time to visit and discuss your concerns.

My Feedback Regards(required)

If you are not happy with the way the Trauma Assist handled or handles your complaint, you can contact the health Quality and Complaints Commission, (07) 3120 5999 or (1800 077308) or

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